What is your anger trying to tell you?

Our emotions are not always 'bad' or 'good'. Each emotion has a place, and a lesson it is trying to bring to us. Let's explore anger today⬇️

What is your anger trying to tell you?

I have psoriasis. For those of you who may not know, psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder where your body fights your own body thnking it is a threat. So I get these itchy lesions on my body. As I started studying the patterns around it, I realised it aggravates when I am angry or frustrated. That is when I began my journey of anger management.

Last week has been a week where the theme for my one on one clients has been anger. Stored anger for decades and how it is eroding the body. Palpitations, BP shooting high, head going numb and ears buzzing with a noise. Anger of wrongdoing happened to you decades ago still slithering inside your body because you have been not ready to let go.

Yes, I am talking about that anger.

Let’s talk about how to navigate anger this Sunday.

The Importance of Anger and How to Process It

"What if I told you that the anger you're trying to suppress could be the key to unlocking deeper connections in your life?"

Understanding and processing anger is crucial, especially for my clients who often present with chronic stress. Many individuals trick themselves into adopting a positive mindset, yet beneath the surface, they may be grappling with feelings of frustration, resentment, or anger. These emotions are not inherently negative; in fact, they are essential to our well-being.

It is vital to express, release, and transmute these feelings to clear the sediment that they create within our systems. Pretending to feel differently or pushing these emotions down will not alleviate them. If you find yourself feeling bitter, resentful, or angry, know that you are not alone. Many people experience guilt, shame, or worry about being perceived as weak or broken for having these feelings.

You are not weak; you are human.

In my experience, relationships are often hindered when dominant negative emotions go unexpressed. Discord arises in teams, affection dwindles in couples, and we fall into patterns of point-scoring, competition, or bypassing others. These habits feed feelings of loneliness, disconnection, and insecurity, creating a cycle that can be hard to break.

These patterns are ingrained in our bodies but can be released powerfully. Learning to create a safe space for processing and nurturing your emotions can significantly transform your energy and output.

When we own and work with our emotions, we can see a remarkable reduction in irritability and impatience. This transformation opens the door to wisdom, problem-solving, and creativity. It profoundly impacts how we frame our relationships—both personal and professional—and how we communicate.

In embracing our feelings and allowing ourselves to process them, we can transform our relationships and experiences in every space we inhabit.

Here are some ways to navigate anger:

  • Remember the pacman game from our childhood? Well, take 5 minutes daily to imagine this pacman is moving from the top of your head till the tip of your toe and eating away the anger from your body from each and every cell.

  • 20 jumping jacks when angry does wonders to dissipitate the intensity of your anger. Try and let me know.

  • Release anger with this guided meditation - https://pradnyavernekar6.gumroad.com/l/ctdbv

  • There would be a pattern also to it. Sit and study. Ask yourself what triggers you and journal. The pattern will then emerge. For example for one of my clients, when she did this exercise she realised she gets angry at injustice. This led me to deep dive into what has been the injustice that happened to her which she is still angry about.

    Go inwards to find your answers.

  • Your anger has a purpose.
    When we went deep in a hypnosis and got the anger out of the body from my clients to answer a few questions before releasing it, some eye opening insights came up.

    When asked, “What is your purpose in my body?” the answers which we got were,

    I was trying to protect you from the pain and hurt.”
    “I wanted to keep you safe.”
    “I did not know any other way to react.”

    Your anger has a purpose. Seek that purpose for you to be able to release it.

  • Your anger will also have a lesson. Imbibe that to be able to say good bye to anger from your system.

Look at anger beyond the label of ‘bad’. And your world will change.

If you need assistance in releasing stress due to accumulated anger, you know where to find me for my one on one mentoring or group program Unity. And till 18th of Feb, there is a special early bird price.  https://subscribepage.io/WKQTUz

Leaving you with some thoughts to ponder over your Sunday morning brew:

What if your anger was more than just an emotion?

Hit reply and share your thoughts. I am all ears.

Xx Pradnya xX

The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...

  1. I will be replying to all of you who email me your insights on this newsletter.

  2. Join Unity for the woman who wants to master her energy, take better decisions, experience loving relationships and have a flying career. For the woman who wants to have it all. https://subscribepage.io/WKQTUz