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- As working women who are striving for continuous excellence, what do we need the most?
As working women who are striving for continuous excellence, what do we need the most?
A world where a woman is applauded for being a super woman, we are striving to be excellent everywhere. But that is not what we need right now. Here is what we need instead⬇️

As working women who are striving for continuous excellence, what do we need the most?
Before I tell you about it, let me tell you about the most enriching part of this season of my life.
I am realising, I love my walks which I take while my son has his football lessons at the club.
Initially when we started his football last year, I was extremely frustrated because I had to reschedule my entire working and calls regime. I also used to work at the club with a feeling of I have not worked enough for the day.
Slowly and steadily, I started realising and creating a routine where by his football time I used to finish off my work. I also am not someone who can sit and talk with friends for hours and hours. I need my space. And so two months back I started walking on the huge cricket ground at the club with my ear phones on.
So if you see me anytime walking there, you would think this is some crazy walking woman who dances in between as she walks as if no one is around.

And that’s the essence of it all, actually.
My walking time has become a time for me where it is not about an achievement goal of completing a number of steps,
or about losing weight,
or about any freaking pursuit of achieving something.
Rather, it is a time
When I am lost in me
Dancing to my music
And just be.
Where I am
amidst the world,
and yet on my own.
Not bothered
with the tangibility
our world seeks.
In abstract,
I am
And just be!
And it’s these walks which has provided me with the beliefs and value systems we are being brought up with. Women who have been doing it all are applauded. Women who are managing their home and doing well at work are being applauded. Women who are serving everyone’s needs are the super women. Women who keep their homes spick and span are the real women.
But no one told us the importance of a well rested woman.
Of a woman who prioritizes herself.
The one who has mastered her energy so she can do it all but not burn out.
In our pursuit of excellence, we have forgotten to just be.
A few days ago, I read these lines written by Natasha Badhwar,
“The world doesn’t need any more excellence. The side-effects of brilliant work are burn-out, confusion, frustration, an inevitable sense of loss.
We need pockets of joy. Peace. We need time and space where we are free to do nothing. Just be. Hang. Close our eyes.
That’s excellence. We have earned it.”
And it home.
In our striving to ‘achieve’, we are burning out.
In our pursuit of ‘excellence’, we are forgetting how to be.
In our never quenching thirst of doing more, we are not realising the wisdom of the pause.
Isn’t it?
Today, pause and ask yourself,
“What does excellence truly mean to me?”
“What if I just be?”
Because we don’t need excellence anymore. We need regulated nervous systems. And the art of just being!
Hit reply and share your thoughts. I am all ears.
Xx Pradnya xX
The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...
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