The Corporate Sun

Own Your Worth: Your Dream to Reach the Stars is not Too Much

Own Your Worth: Your Dream to Reach the Stars is not Too Much

Shivani wanted to join work after 5 years of maternity break. She had Project Management experience earlier and she was speaking about creating a resume in the same role.

However I could feel a disalignment in what her words were saying and what her mind body and soul was communicating. I paused her. I asked Shivani to close her eyes, calmed her nervous system and then asked, “If you knew everything is going to fall in place, which role would you like to apply for irrespective of your work experience?”

And that opened up the treasure box.

Shivani wanted to take up a Marketing role for environment friendly brands because her heart layed there. In that moment I could feel the synergy in her words and heart’s desires. The warmth and power.

Since we are young, most of us have been taught to be pragmatic and desire for those dreams which feel in reach, doable and economically viable. Times have changed, our kids grow in a different environment. Yet our belief system where we were taught to limit our dreams slowly seeps in the way we parent our kids.

This week’s newsletter is not about parenting. It is not about our kids. But it is about you. And your lost dreams. Nicely folded and kept somewhere safe because someone said to us, “You are not capable enough”, “You are not good enough” or “You don’t deserve to be here”. This week’s newsletter is to slowly unfurl those dreams, unwrap them and feel the worthiness of yours to make it come true.

Just like Shivani’s treasure box, we will be unfolding yours today. We worked together to create a resume, prepare for her interviews and showcase her innate marekting skills for her to feel confident to apply for the jobs her heart desired.

Regulated Nervous System
I cannot emphasize enough on the importance of a regulated nervous system when it comes to following our dreams. Many of us sabotage our dreams beacuse our brains say, “This is not easy. It is not safe.”

When we give our brain evidence enough for it to realise that it is safe to go for the goal, half the battle is won there. Read about people or talk with people who have already done what you want to achieve to bring that evidence to yoru brain.

Have a Mentor
Shivani would definitely have realised what she did in our session sometime later. She would definitely have created that resume herself too. However having a mentor created the further safety net for the brain. The feeling of being held by someone. It also provided her the expert guidance to quantum leap in her goal journey.

Have atleast one person with whon you can brainstorm. And who can hold you in safety.

Change the Narrative
Every limiting belief or negative thoughts that come your way, change your narrative. Rephrase and reword. Change the belief. Create a positive affirmation instead.

Here is a guided exercise by me to do that.

Be who you really are and own what your heart truly desires. No one can understand your soul’s cravings as delightfully as you. Be your authentic self.

When imposter syndrome hits, connect with your ‘why’ behind your dream.

Shivani and many women are going for their truest dreams in different spaces curated by me for you. If you feel you need that initial inspiration or clarity, you know where to find me to start a conversation.

Much love,

PPS: Want to uplift your career and work at your highest potential? I have two programs for you:

  1. Discover Your Gifts
    2 hours majestic deep dive where we unfold your known and unknown gifts. Creating a career plan for next 6 months to use these gifts in creating a strong positioning for you at your workplace.

    My gift unleashes the power, strength, and wisdom within others.

    I see your potential a mile off, under your insecurities and fears, and your soul, your wonder.

    I courageously create containers that carry people into finding a spark, a zest for life, a career, and being them more than ever before.

  2. Lumina Rise Sisterhood

    Lumina is the angel of light and love. She is the one who brings prosperity to our lives by awakening our self love and gifts. By clearing the fear and protecting us. This space is a sisterhood for us women to rise together.

    What does Lumina Rise Sisterhood have for you?

    The intention of this program is to hone your gifts further and remove the blocks for you to lead a more fulfilling professional and personal life.

    💥One collective reading at the start of each month for you to navigate that month.

    💥One challenge/deep dive question/exercise/art therapy each month to unfold your gifts. This will be done at a self pace by you.

    💥One 1 hour group call each month to navigate the major blocks for us as a collective:

    a) I am not good enough

    b) Guilt

    c) Frustration

    d) Fear of failure

    e) Fear of success

    f) Judgement

  3. Elevate X - Elevating Women’s Careers 
    This is a program for driven, hungry and inspired career oriented women like you where we BUILD:

    Identify the inhibitors and enhancers to accelerate your career performance, confidence and achievement.

    To create your unique positioning at work enabling you to articulate and question developments within your career for the most heightened impact within your work.

    Enhance your inner belief systems and ability to step into new territories as a leader so you can navigate and step into the career ladder achieving the promotions you desire with belief, confidence and courage.

    Next cohort started on 18-Jan-2024.

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