The Deep Fears Women hold in their Subconscious

This one is a biggie. I am talking about some deepest fears which no one speaks out loud.

The Deep Fears Women hold in their Subconscious

This one is a biggie (all my clients have at least one).

Do you hold back in your professional settings?

Especially in rooms where you feel there are more successful individuals or authoritative figures?


Then you will be having a deep fear in your subconscious

🗡️ Judgement

🗡️ Rejection

🗡️ Self Doubt

🗡️ Abandonment

Well, if we go back a few generations, we would realise.....

Women were treated as inferior beings.
Women were not supposed to resolve or innovate.
Women were not supposed to make decisions.
Women weren't meant to challenge.
Women were not supposed to be leaders.

As a result, our subconscious body and mind are wired to outdated neural pathways and settings still belonging to the old world. So when we are doing all the above things, we cringe and feel we are not good enough for it.

Old outlooks don't just dissolve. They require work, attention and adjustment.

Here are some samples from recent calls with my mentoring clients about the deep rooted stuff that holds them back.

▶️ Many put extra efforts to prove themselves.
It is always a battle of proving we are better than men. In reality that is not a premise at all. Both genders bring something important to the table. However this energy of proving creates stress and a constant pressure inside our bodies.

How can you work from today instead from an energy of showcasing how you are better today than yesterday?

▶️ Many fear authority figures, especially men.
The patriarchial system has created this fear. Always resulting us into keeping our ideas, questions, pitches, negotiations and challenging conversations to ourselves. Frustration starts building and thus stress.

Sit and list your fears when it comes to authoritative male or female figures. How does it make you feel in your body? Then breathe deeply and every exhale release the body feeling.

Then ask yourself, “Do I really need to be afraid of this person? What happens if I stand in my power of who I am rather than being small in front of this person?

Answering these questions itself will start creating new neural pathways in your brain.

▶️ Many feel they have to be like a man to be a successful leader
And the castle tumbles down because we are not being our authentic selves. We do this because we did not have women leader role models before. The only role model women had when they did start taking up leadership positions was a ‘man’. And so have this belief system of in order to be a successful leader we have to be like a man.

Provide your brain evidence of successful women leaders by reading about them.

And ask yourself, “If I had to lean into two of my strengths as a woman to be a successful leader which would they be?”

Lean into these strengths of yours.

I am so damn proud of everyone who is committing to make a change.

Leaders, individuals and organizations which aspire to support and expand their workforce to grow better........

I would love to hear your experiences....

And as my mentor Megs says, I invite you to read and take on this email and see what resonates for you. Even read it a few times this week, and you will catch something new each time.

Hit reply,


Speak out.

Share it out.

Speak out what is your truth behind closed doors, and you wish to untangle.

​All women are so fucking courageous in their soul that they are made to navigate this. I have never met one that is not.

All women are so fucking unique, yet we can seem to unknowingly block how we feel and experience ourselves- when such depths of how we see, taste and be who we are genuinely is SUBLIME.

Your reply could be your micro step to admitting to yourself that you are ready to change the way you approach these times, your existence because you MATTER. It could acknowledge how your self-development journey is so committed, yet you have never celebrated it.


I love you all.

Xx Pradnya xX

PS: I have one of its kind programs for women who want to join back work or are looking at applying for their dream role but are not sure how! The Phoenix is for women like you. Come join us on an exhilirating journey here.

The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...

  1. I will be replying to all of you who email me your insights on this newsletter.

  2. For the entire month of May, I am talking about how to get unstuck at your career. Providing guidance to your specific questions and scenarios. Join Get Unstuck here.

  3. Navigating Working Mom Guilt is here to download.

  4. Are you ready to stand out at your work place with authority? However not sure how? Join the next cohort of The Rose Sisterhood. Your place to start your journey for that 35% hike, promotion, role change or saying ‘yes’ to a leadership role -