How Female Friendships Look and Feel like as We Grow

Our friendships are different than others. Almost 80% women feel lonely because they do not have friends being busy in their lives.

How Female Friendships Look and Feel like as We Grow

80% of women above 35 years feel lonely because of lack of friends in her life. It is because we as women give our entire to raising our families and balancing our work. Our work schedules have become so hectic that taking out time to connect seems a daunting task and a lot of effort.

If you feel lonely or desire to have friends, I want to tell you that you are not alone. And also there is nothing wrong with you. Our woman life journey makes us come to this point. And you know what? This can be changed. Unshamed. Evolved.

We as human beings have tribal instincts. And we are meant to be together. With people. Loved. Have a community of ‘our’ people. Mingle. Play. Sit quiet. Or cook food. So your need to have a friend or friends is natural.

Let me tell you a story. There were 6 women involved in a particular event. 4 of them became really good friends working together over a period of one year together. The two women who were not, one out of them kept feeling a pang of hurt on why was she not included in the friendship. That woman was me.

This incident was actually my opening point for me to realise I do want friends in my life. Instead of going through a cycle of further jealousy, I put my intention out to have my own sisterhood out there.

And indeed I formed one in the coming months.

Sharing the reality of today’s female friendships and how they look and feel like.

Jealousy on seeing women together. Deep friendships. Pictures of women on social media having fun together. Is a sign for you to realise that you are yearning for a sisterhood too. Instead of being frustrated and feeling left out in jealousy, ask yourself “What is this jealousy trying to teach me?”

Many female friendships are born out of convenience of spending time together without any extra efforts. So you might get bonded with the women at the gym, classes you attend together, work place or parents of kids of same age. There is nothing wrong in it. When women do not have to put extra effort to meet someone, there is an ease in their body. And hence many friendships blossom because of the proximity and spending time together because of a pre arrangement.

For me, I wanted someone as a friend who is as or more spiritual than me. I was creating abarrier by doing this. Having this superiority complex which made other women respect me but not comfortable to be my friend. Your energy speaks volumes. Ask yourself if you also have somewhere inside you this belief which separates us from others.

I also learnt that someone may not be as spiritual as me but they might be good at cooking, excellent at music, push themselves harder at the gym and so on. There is so much to learn from each of human being. My ego had to kept aside to form the new bonds.

Finding everything in one friend
Well, if you are looking to find every quality in one friend you might never have one. Each human is unique and he/she will bring a new energy to the friendship. Let go of this expectation and bring acceptance.

You may talk once in a while and still feel connected. You may meet everyday and feel connected. A hug may mean everything. Picking up the phone and dialing their number might be your kinda friendship. Sharing your happiness with them might mean a lot to you. Crying over their shoulder saying nothing might be another way of friendship. Getting drunk maybe your definition.

Choose your own definition of friendship and be happy with it. Do not let the society’s labels of good friendships make you feel any lesser about your friends and friendships.

Your bestest friend

Always remember…..YOU will be your bestest friend. Someone who can be with themselves are human beings who are at ease with who they are. And that allows us to connect with someone else with authenticity and love.

If you feel lonely, take it as a sign for you to be open to a sisterhood. You are ready to welcome loving friends in your life. So close your eyes, take 5 deep breaths, keep your right palm on your heart and affirm, I am ready to invite expansive friendships in my life. Friends who make me feel safe and loved. I am ready to be the same loving friend for them too”.


And as my mentor Megs says, I invite you to read and take on this email and see what resonates for you. Even read it a few times this week, and you will catch something new each time.

Hit reply,


Speak out.

Share it out.

Speak out what is your truth behind closed doors, and you wish to untangle.

​All women are so fucking courageous in their soul that they are made to navigate this. I have never met one that is not.

All women are so fucking unique, yet we can seem to unknowingly block how we feel and experience ourselves- when such depths of how we see, taste and be who we are genuinely is SUBLIME.

Your reply could be your micro step to admitting to yourself that you are ready to change the way you approach these times, your existence because you MATTER. It could acknowledge how your self-development journey is so committed, yet you have never celebrated it.


I love you all.

Xx Pradnya xX

PS: I have one of its kind programs for women who want to join back work or are looking at applying for their dream role but are not sure how! The Phoenix is for women like you. Come join us on an exhilirating journey here.

The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...

  1. I will be replying to all of you who email me your insights on this newsletter.

  2. For the entire month of June, I am talking about how to return back to work post a break with confidence and power irrespective of the gap duration.Join the conversations here.

  3. Navigating Working Mom Guilt is here to download.

  4. Are you ready to stand out at your work place with authority? However not sure how? Join the next cohort of The Rose Sisterhood. Your place to start your journey for that 35% hike, promotion, role change or saying ‘yes’ to a leadership role -