Matter of the Heart, What Truly Matters?

In the long run and knowing life is finite, what truly matters to you?

Matter of the Heart, What Truly Matters?

I am crying as I sit to write this week’s newsletter to you. I feel vulnerable as I sit to write this post and open up today. Over the last 15 years of my work experience, I have heard many women saying these two statements,

“I don’t know when my kids grew up. I was so focused on growing in my career.”

“I don’t know who I am anymore. I was so focused on being and everything for my kids”.

And they have realised this bitter truth when life happened in the form of losing a loved one, kids being far off or to witness how easily they were replaced by their organization. That is when the reality hit them and they started seeing things for what they truly are - impermanent.

I want to boldly come here and confess today of my biggest dream, my awakened vision. It is scary. Each and every cell in my body is working towards creating a work culture for women where they do not have to choose between having a career or raising their kids consciously. They can do both and be present fully at both. No, it is not a mere ‘work life’ balance, it is about -

  • Creating work cultures which support you when you decide to have a baby without letting it affect your career adversely.

  • Not treating women as liability rather a gifted asset for the organization.

  • Not being part of the exclusive smoking and drinking circles and yet being included in important discussions within the organization.

  • Letting men and women be who they truly are subtracting the masks and trying to be someone else to feel included.

  • Working to your truest and fullest potential discovering your innate gifts and transforming the limiting beliefs.

  • Being on your deathbed knowing you lived a full life!

Yes, I dream this dream………..

I have a 63 year old woman in The Rise Sisterhood who has taken a voluntary retirement to cater to ‘her’ now.

I have a 35 year old single mom in The Rise Sisterhood and my 1:1 program who wants to build a life with her son along with her career.

I have a new mom in The Rise Sisterhood who wants to get back to work.

And I can go on and on…..

The essence here being, you don’t have to choose one. You can have both. With a lifestyle and a support system ofcourse. You cannot do it alone. And this where most women then make the choice of going for one between the two.

I want to share some questions with all of you today for you to start pondering to the real truth:

  1. If you knew you are going to die tomorrow, what would you be doing today?
    This question will give you a glimpse of what really matters. Then ask yourself. “Are you doing it enough?”

  2. What are some of your regrets in life? Can you do something about it?

  3. If you are a homemaker by choice and love it, how can you shut down the external noise that bogs you down?

  4. If you are a working woman by choice and love it, how can you shut down the external noise that bogs you down?

  5. If you want to do both - focusing on your career and raising your kids consciously what needs to change for you?

Bursting some myths for you to ease the choice being present at both ends:

  1. More time spent with your kids means better bonding.
    The quantity of time does not matter with your kids, quality does. Can you set 30 minutes aside a day with them where you are present fully?

  2. Self care is for weekends.
    If you feel self care is for leaisure time, you will never refill your tank. Self care is for everyday. Take out taleast 10 minutes a day for yourself. Non negotiable.

  3. Spiritual practice will make me alienated from everyone else.
    If you are looking at leading a full life, there is no alternative to spiritual practices. Spirituality for me is making my mind, body and spirit work for me by me. Spirituality will actually keep the people who really matter in your life sticking with you, rest all will go.

  4. Putting more hours at work means I am efficient.
    Work smartly. If you guage your performance with the number of hours, you will never have enough time for your work. Change your benchmarks for work efficiency.

  5. Running away and distracting yourself with work is the best solution.
    Maybe for a short term. The long term it will come back to you. Feel your emotions instead. Then navigate. Take an expert’s help.

I think I am going to stop here for today.

Why did I cry writing this newsletter you ask?

I cry with the sheer vastness of my dream. I cry for every woman who says those statements which I shared at the beginning. I feel so connected with my ‘why’ that it is overwhelming at times.

And I cannot do this alone. I need you to be a part of this dream.

So, I invite you to read and take on this email and see what resonates for you. Even read it a few times this week, and you will catch something new each time.

Hit reply,


Speak out

Share it out

Speak out what is your truth behind closed doors, and you wish to untangle.

​All woman are so fucking courageous in their soul that they are made to navigate this. I have never met one that isn't.

All women are so fucking unique, yet we can seem to unknowingly block how we feel and experience ourselves- when such depths of how we see, taste and be who we are genuinely is SUBLIME.

Your reply could be your micro step to admitting to yourself that you are ready to change the way you approach these times, your existence because you MATTER. It could acknowledge how your self-development journey is so committed, yet you have never celebrated it.


I love you all.

Xx Pradnya xX

As a Women's Day inititaive, my goal is to reach 1000 plus women with the webinar - Unveiling The Patterns of Successful Women Leaders. This webinar is created with an intention to support women enter leadership roles with confidence. It is a free webinar. If you think the women in your organization can benefit with it, hit reply to discuss further.

The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...

  1. I will be replying to all of you who email me your insights on this newsletter.

  2. For the entire month of February, I will be talking about guilt on my LinkedIn. Peeling off more layers for you to navigate this emotion in a better way. We deserve to be liberated and lead a freer life! Join Guilt Diaries here.

  3. The Rise Sisterhood is bigger and better. Starting the next cohort on 28th Feb 2024. A place where you awaken your gifts and navigate one block each week. Along with receiveing weekly guidance from me.