How to Stand Out in Interviews

It is not that you are not talented, it is that no one has taught you how to showcase your talent

How to Stand Out in Interviews

I was interviewed for the position of a guest speaker to conduct Leadership Coaching for MBA students at a renowned institute.

And I started the interview with breathwork. Making my interviewer feel the power of my work right at the beginning.

Then I steered the conversation in such a way that I created my brand which was worth investing in. I did not even have to wait for the results, at the end of the interview I was told I am 'hired'.

That is the confidence, authority and magnetism I want you to create in your interviews. And so this today’s newsletter bringing some insights for you to build the foundation for your next interview.

Also remember, “The market is saturated for the average, not the ones who excel themselves beyond the average. And YOU are one of the excellers.”

Take Charge of the Interview
The very first thing I did was treating the interviewer as an equal. Not keeping her/him at a pedestal. That reduces immense pressure off our shoulders. My simple philosophy in life is, “Everyone is equal. There is no hierarchy in the human race. There is no one higher or lower than me”.

This helps me to meet every human at a ground level and I have no pressure of hierarchy.

Lead rather than Follow
I led the interview right from the beginning. I told them, “I am a little hassled right now. Do you mind if all of us do a short breathwork to focus back our energies?”

There was a startle, but they said “Yes”. I started the interview with breathwork thereby establishing my expertise right at the start.

I asked myself later, “What would have happened if they had said ‘no’?” Then I would have taken the next opportunity to lead the interview.
Eg.: I would have started a conversation asking, “I read your institute is investing in student wellbeing. That is such a high vision endeavour. What made you come to this decision?”

So be prepared to look for these opportunities.

Know your Prospective Employer Well
I beleive in doing thorough research in knowing my prospective employer. Your research should revolve around -

  • Their major wins in the last 6 months to 1 year

  • Their major problems

  • Numbers in your field of expertise

  • Vision and mission and how can you play a crucial role towards it

When you do the research, you feel prepared too. When you bring these inisghts in the interview, the interviewer knows ‘You care. You really have done your homework.’

Joining your expertise to their problem statement
The last thing I did was connecting my expertise to their problem statement. The institute was looking for someone who can groom their MBA students in leadership. This was because of the gap between our education system and its’ inability to create employable skillful students.

I joined the two by saying,
“Three things that make me different from every other Leadership Coach you might interview are:
1. I go to the root cause of why someone is shying away from being a Leader. Then address it from there. I will not be conducting cookie cut sessions for the class.
2. My intuition skills are highly sharp. I will be sitting with each one of your student and making him/her realise their strengths as a leader and what can be improved.
3. I will be teaching your students what is not taught in text books. How to lead with your strengths rather than being someone else, understanding emotional make up and lastly how not to let external affect you.”

Create your own proposition for the company you are interviewing for. Think beyond the mundane and really hone into your truest skills.

I repeat, it is not that you are not talented. It is only that you have not been taught how to showcase your talent.

You have it in you! You can do this!

And many of us are unable to showcase our talents because of the gender inhibitors of guilt, judgement, self doubt, fear of failure etc.

We are addressing these inhibitors and are creating this confidence, authority and magentism inside The Rose Sisterhood. Come join us if you dream and aspire to apply for that dream job, ask for a role change, start a business or enter the leadership suite. We have got you covered. Sneak peek in here to know more.

I invite you to read and take on this email and see what resonates for you. Even read it a few times this week, and you will catch something new each time.

Hit reply,


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Speak out what is your truth behind closed doors, and you wish to untangle.

​All woman are so fucking courageous in their soul that they are made to navigate this. I have never met one that isn't.

All women are so fucking unique, yet we can seem to unknowingly block how we feel and experience ourselves- when such depths of how we see, taste and be who we are genuinely is SUBLIME.

Your reply could be your micro step to admitting to yourself that you are ready to change the way you approach these times, your existence because you MATTER. It could acknowledge how your self-development journey is so committed, yet you have never celebrated it.


I love you all.

Xx Pradnya xX

The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...

  1. I will be replying to all of you who email me your insights on this newsletter.

  2. For the entire month of April, I am talking about Judgement self doubt on my LinkedIn. Peeling off more layers for you to navigate this emotion in a better way. We deserve to be liberated and lead a freer life! Join The Judgement Corner here.

  3. My most loved webinar ‘Unveiling the Patterns of Successful Women Leaders’ is happening on 10-Apr-2024. And it is completely free. Register here -

  4. The Rose Sisterhood is newer and better. It is for the working woman who wants to create her authority at the work place. Know more about it here -