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- The price we are paying for reaching society defined success based on only one benchmark of productivity
The price we are paying for reaching society defined success based on only one benchmark of productivity
Productivity is great. But when it becomes the only benchmark to define success, there is where the problem lies. How to unleash from this rigid system?⬇️

The price we are paying for reaching society defined success based on only one benchmark of productivity
Meet Meenal. Headgirl of school. A grades all through out. Ace basketball player. Continued the same stint at work, achieving one milestone after the other. Only to be feeling empty inside. And mostly anxious and breathless.
Meet Viraj. His work is his dr*g. His brain goes blank when he is not working. He is exhausted at the end of the day and yet can’t sleep at night as work keeps on playing in his mind.
Meet Pooja. She has it all according to the world. A happy marriage, two kids and a well paying job. And yet she feels there is something missing. That all that she has, of course she is thankful for that. Also feels this does not feel like success. Why? Because she is burnt out, exhausted and has zero energy.
Do these sound familiar? Or feel I am telling your story?
Yes, for most of us, THIS is the story. Maybe in parts. Maybe entirely. And I want to tell you, you are not alone.
All of these men and women had reached the edge of what they thought was possible, and yet no one had ever told them the truth: They weren’t meant to function like this.
None of us are.
We are raised in a world that mistakes depletion for dedication.
That praises the weary-eyed and overworked as though exhaustion is a badge of honour.
That tells us movement is progress, even when we are merely spinning in place.
Where an overscheduled calendar is applauded.
Where productivity is the only benchmark to define our efficiency, capabilities and worth.
No, this is not how we were supposed to function. You know what would happen if a car keeps on running, running and running. It will eventually break down. Exactly what is happening with all of us. We are so exhausted and burn out, that our health is taking a heavy toll.
What needs to change?
What new way do we need to imbibe?
What are we not seeing in here?
I was you too…..
Let me tell you what happened when I reached the pivot point of “I cannot go on like this. I need to change.”

I did not find strength in pushing harder.
I found it in stopping. In listening.
In realizing that rest was not to stop but to recover, it was not a pause in my life—it was the gateway to it.
As my rythm changed.
As my rest deepened, my mind expanded.
As I softened, I grew stronger.
Patience became a sensation not a trend word. Creativity surged.
My body no longer fought me but carried me.
There you have your answer.
An over run nervous system is ruining our bodies, our brain and our relationships. We are waking up several times at night. And thinking our irregular periods is normal. And that everyone else is doing it so that must be the way ahead.
But the truth is simple: we do not thrive by running ourselves empty.
We thrive by learning to restore.
So I ask you—when was the last time you felt full?
Not just functioning, not just getting by, but truly alive?
Because what if the power you seek is not in the next push forward, but in the recovery you’ve been taught to avoid?
If you are feeling a need, a pull to find a different way, trust it.
It could just be the seed that changes your life trajectory.
And if you are not sure how, Unity is your answer. A place where we learn about our energy. How to let go of the external stresses - that stress you feel with your never ending task list, the stress that builds up as you feel judged and the stress of a tired body and mind.
And till 15th of Feb, there is a special early bird price. https://subscribepage.io/WKQTUz
Leaving you with some thoughts to ponder over your Sunday morning brew:
What if your markers of success were redefined to -
How well you slept at night?
How many books you read?
How do you feel as you pause and do gardening, dance, sing or just be?
How warm you felt snuggling with your kids reading that bedtime story?
What if we measured success not by our busyness, not by the external checkboxes we have ticked off: but our ability to slowly over time, move towards a life with more space for what really success means to us. Creating THAT life for us!
Hit reply and share your thoughts. I am all ears.
Xx Pradnya xX
The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...
I will be replying to all of you who email me your insights on this newsletter.
Join Unity for the woman who wants to master her energy, take better decisions, experience loving relationships and have a flying career. For the woman who wants to have it all. https://subscribepage.io/WKQTUz