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Unleashing your Sacred Self: Who you Truly are!
Diving into our innate nature and gifts as a woman

Unleashing your Sacred Self: Who you Truly are!
“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”
― Rumi
80% of the women who come to me do not know who they really are and what they are capable of doing. Their vision is blurred with limiting beliefs and the social conditioning we have as women. As we start peeling these layers off, these women start discovering the gold they have inside. Own it with power.
We have our individual innate gifts which are different for everyone. To unfold these, you may want to start a conversation with me.
I am outlining below 3 of our major gifts as women. Collective ones which make our feminine energy. Many womena are keeping these aside and embodying masculine energies to be seen as a leader. Forgetting the real gold is inside them. And the play is of the balance of the masculine and the feminine.
Let’s play a small game. Close your eyes and think of your favourite movie. And now open your eyes. Without getting into the technicalities of the terms, let me explain you your intuitive channels.
If you visualised the movie scenes in this exercise, then your intiition mostly comes as visual hits or pictures.
If you thought of a dialogue, background score or a song from the movie, then your intuition comes from words heard.
If you had an emotion inside you, mostly you get your intuitive hits through a feeling.
And if you remembered that you knew what is going to happen next or knew the story line, your intuition comes from a feeling of knowing.
Sometimes one of these channels is stronger than the other. Sometimes you may have some element of each of it. The channel does not matter. What matters is you TRUST what your intuition is trying to tell you. And follow through the guidance atleast 2-3 times.

Bonus: Sit still for 5 minutes daily tuning into your body. Listen to your body and see which parts of your body need a little bit of moving. A little strecthing. Which ones which need attention. Trust your body’s guidance and follow through.

Empathy is our ability of understanding the emotional make up of people. And then treating people according to their emotional reactions. We women are very good at it. It is our strength not a weakness. When we start communicating with everyone keeping their emotional set up in mind, we have actually cracked the code of the most effective communication with kindness.
One of the exercises you can start doing is understanding the emotiona make up of your colleagues and team members. Then fine tuning your communication to cater to their needs and emotional make up. In a week’s time you will see a difference in your work relationships.

Our sacral chakra holds our creativity. This is the space where ideas are birthed. Even our babies. We as women have immense creativity inside us.
Then what stops us from expressing our creativity? Our quest for perfectionism. Our fear of committing mistakes. Our fear of being ridiculed or being rejected.
When we separate our ideas and creativity as separate entities and do not take feedback personally, we can be open to expressing our creativity better. Also someone’s feedback on our creativity or an idea is an ‘opinion’ and not an absolute truth. It is a perspective. It can change. So giving so much importance to an opinion may not be a very wise thing to do.
Eg.: XYZ said to me that my writing is horrible. First step, I do not equate that to I am horrible. My writing and me are two different entities.
Second step, what XYZ thinks about my writing is his/her persepctive. I may have ABC who thinks I write beautifully. So should I stop writing becaus of one person’s opinion? No, right?
You can start expressing your creativity for yourself first. Then birth your ideas to the world.
I invite you to read and take on this email and see what resonates for you. Even read it a few times this week, and you will catch something new each time.
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Speak out what is your truth behind closed doors, and you wish to untangle.
All woman are so fucking courageous in their soul that they are made to navigate this. I have never met one that isn't.
All women are so fucking unique, yet we can seem to unknowingly block how we feel and experience ourselves- when such depths of how we see, taste and be who we are genuinely is SUBLIME.
Your reply could be your micro step to admitting to yourself that you are ready to change the way you approach these times, your existence because you MATTER. It could acknowledge how your self-development journey is so committed, yet you have never celebrated it.
I love you all.
Xx Pradnya xX
PS: My self paced Navigating Working Mom Guilt course is going to be live on Equinox i.e 20-Mar-2024! And for a limited time it is on a highly discounted price. You are the first one to know about it. Hit reply to get more details.
The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...
I will be replying to all of you who email me your insights on this newsletter.
For the entire month of March, I will be talking about self doubt on my LinkedIn. Peeling off more layers for you to navigate this emotion in a better way. We deserve to be liberated and lead a freer life! Join Soar Beyond Self Doubt here.
The Rise Sisterhood is bigger and better. Starting the next cohort in March 2024. A place where you awaken your gifts and navigate one block each week. Along with receiveing weekly guidance from the Universe.