Why women feel the need to prove themselves at work?

The stress and burden of proving 'ourselves' is huge. At every step a woman feels more under scrutiny than other genders.

Why women feel the need to prove themselves at work?

Do you feel you have to put extra effort in proving your worth at work? On every step you ask yourself, “Am I doing enough?”

Most of us women feel this way.

I want to tell you why……

Our history

Women entered workforce much later than men. At that time every move was taken to prove we were not capable and it is a mistake to open up workforces for women.

The programming still lies dormant in our DNA. We still carry it with us. So even when the world may not be expecting it today, we always feel this axe hanging on us. Our nervous system never feeling safe. And we are on a run to prove ourselves.

Now that you know this, in this light journal these questions:
“Why do I feel the need to prove myself at work?”
“How is this affecting me and my work?”
“What can I do differently from now to not overburden my body with the stress of proving myself at work?”


We fear of being judged that we are inadequate. Seeking approval prevents us from leading from our highest selves, sucks up our energy and makes us less effective.

Our benchmarks for ourselves are also very high. Being perfect is our goal. Which sucks the joy from being who we are and actually reaching our fullest potential.

Here is a piece of information which might help your brain to realize you are adequate, and way more than adequate -

“According to Harvard Business Review, women are rated as more effective than men in 84% of competencies that are frequently measured. These competencies include: initiative, resilience, self-development, results, and integrity and honesty.”

Lack of Courage

It takes courage to be confident in your abilities. To know what you bring to any room and any project. To trust you. How can you do that?

I want you to stand and then stretch your hands all up. And then bend down to touch your toes. Stand up again. Rotate your shoulders clock wise and anti clock wise. Jump. 10 Jumps.

Now that your body has released a little of the stress, ask yourself, “Why do I need to prove myself?”

Hit reply with your answer. I will provide you guidance on what to do next!


I love you all.

Xx Pradnya xX

PS: The Phoenix is awaiting to have you inside the July cohort To create this magic. To live this magic - exhilirating journey here.

The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...

  1. I will be replying to all of you who email me your insights on this newsletter.

  2. Navigating Working Mom Guilt is here to download.

  3. Are you ready to stand out at your work place with authority? Feeling as if you are at a rut at work right now? Want to reinvent your career. However not sure how? Join the next cohort of The Rose Sisterhood. Your place to start your journey for that 35% hike, promotion, role change or saying ‘yes’ to a leadership role - https://bit.ly/4aaczRk