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- You not being committed to a habit, relationship or bettering your life has nothing to do with your strength but something else altogether.
You not being committed to a habit, relationship or bettering your life has nothing to do with your strength but something else altogether.
We often think, we are weak when we fail to stay committed to a habit, ritual or a relationship. But in reality, there is more to it.

You not being committed to a habit, relationship or bettering your life has nothing to do with your strength but something else altogether.
It is more than 21 days of my 5 am club and no caffeine. Oh yeah, I am celebrating my win from my heart. And that brought me to diving deep on why someone is committed and someone quits mid way. If you have been criticising yourself that you not staying committed to something is because you are weak, then let me tell you something. Scientific and real.
Unless and until, you reach a stage in your life where you feel,
"Enough is enough. I cannot go on like this. I need to make a change in my life”
No mentor, coach or counsellor can help you in being committed to anything.
The reason being, this is the PIVOTAL POINT where the brain stops keeping you safe in the old regime and habits. Comes in alignment with your burning desire to change.
Otherwise, you will keep falling back to your old comfortable and warm ways where your body feels safe.
The secret to all commitment lies in the way in which you begin. It is the energy behind your actions that creates your future rather than the actions themselves. There is nothing worth doing in life unless it is done with absolute commitment. It doesn’t matter if you love it or hate it, if you attempt it half heartedly you might as well not attempt it at all. Without commitment, action lacks power or direction and above all, it lacks luck.
Sit with this. See what is arising. And hit reply to share.

Sharing a few poignant words for your brain to understand the real essence of commitment:
There is a Universal law that anything that is done with full commitment carries within it the seed of good fortune.As she entered the office party, I noticed her face twitched and she looked to her left and then down. In that moment, I knew her nervous system was dysregulated and she was anxious.
When you do something half heartedly you are actually behaving dishonestly. You may not be literally dishonest with others, but you are being dishonest with yourself and with life.
If you quit something too soon you will stay in the same old loop, but if you follow experiences through to the end you will make quantum leaps, both in terms of your good fortune and your fulfillment.
Commitment is akin to trust, which can neither be forced nor willed. It flows like a great river from deep within your being and out in your actions.
The only real commitment is commitment to your inner guidance in the now.
True commitment is an energetic dynamic felt within your whole being rather than a social requirement.
Tell me which one landed most powerfully and why?
So unless you are done
I am here to answer any questions, clear any doubts or just listen to you. Hit reply to share.
I love you all.
Xx Pradnya xX
PS: Navigate the fear of asking someone out of your league to collaborate, get hired by the CEO of your dream company, woo the publisher to publish your book, get selected as guest speakers at important conferences inside Cold Pitch Magic.
The juicy things happening in my life in upcoming weeks...
I will be replying to all of you who email me your insights on this newsletter.
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